What are we missing?
Got a great product or life hack idea to add? Please do (once we are ready)! While it will be some time before this functionality will be ready on this site, eventually anyone will be able to post any product/idea and review anything on the site. For now, please send ideas to submissions at adaptmyplanet.com
A few simple rules to follow:
Play nice in the sandbox! Trolls, aggressive/insensitive language directed at individuals will NOT be tolerated. Hate a product? That is fair game. People are have had widely varying experiences with the products listed, but it is important to keep discussions focused on the merits of the product functionality.
Post only products and life hacks that are relevant to the category. If you feel your idea needs adding, drop us a note and let us know what we are missing.
Post nothing that can be ingested or injected, nothing that goes below your skin or requires surgery of any kind.
Any photos which show identifiable individuals must have written permission from that individual or their legal guardian to post their image.
SPECIAL NOTE TO MANUFACTURERS: You have a wealth of information that can be extremely valuable when shared appropriately with our community. We welcome your participation and encourage you to post your own products directly on the site. We are offering you a platform to reach new customers for FREE. However, you must be open in all posts as to which company you represent. Alternate IDs pumping or trashing products will be summarily deleted. Also, please do not flood the site with multiple similar products. We post a link to your main company site and there, of course, you can expand your message as much as you like.